Snowmobile riding is easily one of the most thrilling winter sports out there. All winter long, you’ll find enthusiasts zooming up and down the snowy slopes. As fun as this sport might be, it’s still important to be aware of the dangers and how to avoid them. Snowmobilers are at a particularly high risk for dangerous situations due to the looming threat of avalanches. If you find yourself riding on a faulty snowpack, it can cause snow to dislodge and break apart.

It’s critical that anyone who rides a snowmobile is well informed of the dangers so they know how to react if something goes wrong out there. Here at Big St. Charles Motorsports, your safety is our priority. We’ve gathered some vital information on avalanches. If you’d like to learn more or you’re looking for riding classes or apparel, stop by our dealership today! We’re conveniently located in St. Charles, Missouri near St. Louis, St. Peters, and Columbia.

Take A Safety Class 

You’ll be pleased to learn that there are courses you can take to learn about snow and avalanche safety. A little awareness can go a long way in an emergency. You’ll learn about how to properly equip yourself, best riding practices, how to analyze conditions, how to help rescue others, and what to do if you find yourself trapped in an avalanche. Taking the time to learn about these important topics could save the life of others and yourself.

Watch The Weather

Weather can change in an instant and these variations can increase the chances of an avalanche occurring in the area where you’re snowmobiling. Always check the forecast prior to heading out. You’ll want to pay attention to both weather conditions as well as temperature. Make sure you take note of any avalanche forecasts or warnings for your region. Rising temperatures and sun exposure on a mountain can begin to loosen snowpack, making it more fragile. Rainy conditions can cause an area to be more prone to avalanches. It’s best to know in advance what the conditions are before you decide if it’s a good day to ride your snowmobile.

Choose The Right Gear

You need to have the right gear to be properly prepared for any type of powersports activity. There are a couple of pieces of equipment you’ll want to have that are specific to avalanches. First, an avalanche transceiver is a device you wear on your body. In some cases, it’ll be embedded in your snow suit. This device sends and receives radio data, which will act as a beacon to others in the area if you become trapped under snow. High-quality models even transmit your vitals to let others know if you’ve survived the avalanche.

Everyone in your group should have a shovel and a probe in case they need to rescue someone. There won’t be time to call for help if someone is trapped by an avalanche due to limited oxygen supply and ability to survive the cold. The best chance of a successful rescue is one performed by members of your snowmobiling group. You should have an avalanche airbag on your snowmobile that’s properly maintained and charged up. This device can be deployed if you sense that conditions are taking a dangerous turn.

Be Prepared To Act

If you happen to notice the snow beneath you is starting to slide, you need to act fast to avoid getting trapped under snow. Snowmobiles are prone to triggering avalanches, especially when riders perform dangerous moves like riding over steep slopes or high-marking. You’ll want to yell “Avalanche!” to alert riders around you so they can get to safety.

Move sideways if you’re able to get out of the main path of the avalanche, which is where the snow is the heaviest. You should aim for higher ground and grab onto any trees within reach. If you can’t escape, rid yourself of as much equipment as you can so you’re not weighed down. You should still keep your small pack with you at all times. Create an air pocket in front of your face with your hands. Start trying to swim a backstroke motion with your feet pointed downhill and arms pushing snow away from you, which will keep you close to the surface. Do your best to move with the falling snow rather than trying to get uphill.

Be sure to visit us at Big St. Charles Motorsports if you need to gear up before your next snowmobile ride. Our dealership is located in St. Charles, Missouri near St. Louis, St. Peters, and Columbia.