Want to take man's best friend on your next motorcycle ride? It is possible to safely bring your dog along - with the right preparation and safety accessories of course. Keep reading for a basic guide to riding your motorcycle with your dog. If you have any questions or want to shop motorcycles for sale, chat with the experts at Big St. Charles Motorsports. Our dealership is based in St. Charles, Missouri, and we also serve those in St. Louis and St. Peters.

Use The Right Safety Items

When riding your motorcycle with your dog, the most important thing is safety. You need to keep your dog safe and you need to keep yourself safe. Odds are, this involves getting a certain riding accessory for your dog. The right option will depend on your dog's size and temperament.

Tail Or Tank Bags

If your dog weighs 25 pounds of fewer, consider this option. These items strap around the passenger backrest. Your dog can sit comfortably inside without any slipping around. Leave the bag cover open so your dog can feel the wind in its face. Some models come with extra perks, such as increased padding, ventilation panels, and built-in windows.

A Backpack

This is not your usual backpack. This is a backpack designed for riding your motorcycle with your dog. It uses a fitted harness that connects to either your chest or back. This will naturally also be an option for smaller dogs as opposed to large ones. No one wants their Great Dane strapped to their chest!

This specialized backpack is a good option for smaller dogs who would get too nervous inside a tail or tank bag. With the backpack, they are snuggled up against your body in a soothing way. Just be sure that they can't distract you or obstruct your vision while you ride.

A Dog Seat Or Sidecar

What if you want to ride your motorcycle with your dog...and your four-legged pal is much too big for the above options? You'll need to modify your motorcycle with an aftermarket accessory.

One approach is a custom-made dog seat that gets added to your motorcycle. Your dog will sit on the seat and can place their paws on your back. Many users find that it's helpful to add a harness into the setup for improved safety. This option can also be used for smaller dogs that aren't as compatible with the backpack or bag.

Another option is to add a sidecar to your motorcycle. This is ideal for dogs that are too big for a custom-made dog seat or who would benefit from their own space a bit farther from you. This accessory tends to be the most expensive, but it also may be the only workable option for you and your dog to enjoy motorcycle riding together.

Tips For Riding Your Motorcycle With Your Dog

Once you have the proper setup, be sure to use the proper strategies for safely riding your motorcycle with your dog.

For starters, try to avoid sudden stopping or changing direction. Your dog won't be braced for it and can end up getting tossed about or colliding with something. It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant...or even injury causing.

It's also helpful to boost their riding comfort. Install grip pads, for example, to help them stay more stable.

Finally, build up your dog's endurance. You don't want your first trip to be a several hour journey. Make sure your dog is comfortable riding a motorcycle, then slowly build up your time on the road together.

We hope you found this guide to riding your motorcycle with your dog helpful! For more riding advice or to shop motorcycles for sale, reach out to the friendly staff at Big St. Charles Motorsports. We are happy to assist with anything you need. We offer riding classes, motorcycles for sale, parts and repair services, and more. Contact us online or stop by our dealership in St. Charles, Missouri. We also serve those in St. Louis and St. Peters, Missouri.